
Get a free ocr for mac
Get a free ocr for mac

get a free ocr for mac

Some would time out, other would give errors and some just got stuck on the “converting” page, so I didn’t even bother to mention those sites.įor each site, I tested two documents to see how well the output would be. If you Google free online OCR, you’ll see a bunch of sites but several of the sites in the top 10 results didn’t even complete the conversion. Lastly, there were a lot of sites I tested that just didn’t work. If you have a low DPI image, the results will not be as good.

get a free ocr for mac

In addition, the best results for getting the text will come from documents with a 200 to 400 DPI resolution. If you need everything to be in a specific layout or format, you’ll have to manually do that once you get all the text from the OCR. These are mainly for extracting text and that’s it. It’s also good to know beforehand that most of these services will not be able to match the formatting of your original document.

Get a free ocr for mac