
Reddit preparing to play city of heroes
Reddit preparing to play city of heroes

reddit preparing to play city of heroes

And it is that, but it’s also, according to financial experts, a historic reshuffling of power in the world of finance, one that gave the middle classes the ability to challenge Big Money interests and allowed everyday guys like James to amass life-changing wealth.

reddit preparing to play city of heroes

In the months since, the prevailing narrative to emerge about WallStreetBets is one of renegade trolls waging guerrilla warfare by betting big on “meme stocks,” like GameStop. The news primarily revolved around GameStop, the struggling video game retailer, and how WallStreetBets pumped its stock price to unprecedented heights, nearly bankrupting institutional investors who had shorted its stock in the process.

reddit preparing to play city of heroes

This past January, WallStreetBets was the staging ground for a populist uprising against the financial establishment that took the stock market and media by storm.

Reddit preparing to play city of heroes